When we arrived to Venice, a major hub for Italy, the train station was CRAZY because of all the cancelled flights! We were going to try and book a night train to Zagreb, but the line was just too long, so we sought out other options, and later realized a bus was the best option, but wasn’t leaving until the next morning! We went BACK to the train station and waited for 2 hours in line, ONLY to be told that she is not sure about the train to Zagreb at the moment and to check back later (so madddd!!) We decided to check our bags into a luggage place so we could walk around and enjoy the city, and so glad we did, because its quite hard to walk around! Although it was tempting, we opted out of taking water taxis and got lost in the winding streets! Despite the weird smells we got whiff of every now and then, the town was very nice! I loved the water everywhere and it was impressive at how well the boat and gondola drivers were at drifting through the narrow, yet crowded canals!
We ended up in the famous square, Piazza San Marco, which is actually quite famous for its abundance of pigeons! It was cool to see in real life after seeing it in several movies! For the majority of the day though, we just drifted around, and eventually made our way back to the train station to check about the tickets to Zagreb, where we were told it would be 150 Euros‚ EACH!! WHAT?! No way…the bus was only 24 Euros‚ so… we decided to pull an all-nighter and just go to the disco until 5 am or so…except…i didn’t know where any were!
I noticed what looked like an American couple, and asked them if they knew of any, and sadly they didn’t, but it turns out…they were also stuck for the night, so we decided to pull all-nighters together!! It was actually a really fun night filled with lots of wine canal-side and great conversation! Plus, we had another lovely drunken Italian addition to the group who added a lot of humor to the night. He even offered us a place to crash, which we regretfully declined, because there were no discoteks, and we ended up back at the closed train station at 2am! NO!!! And along with many other stuck travelers tried (AGAIN!!) to sleep outside!
New friends!
Whew…was really difficult this time, and felt like crap by the time the sun came up (partly hungover too i believe) but brought us closer to our new found friends…Aaron and Michelle! When we parted ways in the morning to buy our bus tickets, we ran into them passed out on the grass in the sunshine haha! It was pretty funny because we had joked about them doing it, but they actually did!
Italian friend
Found a nice patch of grass…
Venice come nightfall!
haha good story guys. we had the same problem in venice. had to wait hours for a bus. so we sat at the bus station with a bottle of vino. actually thats all we did in venice. drink vino in about 5 different cafes. sucks that the gondola rides are so expensive hey?? good excuse to go back i guess. and to get a mask! miss you guys so much! cant wait for the next update xoxoxo