One of the hidden gems in Christmas Island, Merrial Beach is a tiny plot of white sand nestled in between 2 tall cliffs. A 4-wheel drive is needed to get there, followed by a hike through the jungle that is pretty unmarked
(we got lost!!),
and then a steep climb down rocks, and you arrive!

The hike to Merrial!

So happy we made it!
At high tide, the beach may not even be visible. At low tide, if you’re lucky, you can walk around through the rock pool, jump off a cliff ledge, and swim around to another beach. Unfortunately the water was a bit rough for us, maybe next time! Â

- The cliffs around the side!
A few weeks later, Brad and I made the hike to check out a killer sunset there. We were a bit afraid of the trek back through the dark, so brought some markers to tie on trees along the way. It proved to be way easier than we thought, and SO worth the trip!  Definitely a favourite!

Beautiful Sunset!
the sunset is just beautiful, you have seen more of CI then people that live here,enjoy the rest of your stay.