
As avid market-goers and lovers, when we found out Central America’s largest markets were just a chicken bus away…we HAD to go! Thursdays and Sundays every week. Chichicastenango was the destination, and Panajachel was the hub (for tourists at least). Every single tourist agency (there are a LOT in Pana) advertised a shuttle ride there, but for $12 U.S. dollars!!! WHAT!?! Total rip off. Brad and I were certain we could do it for cheaper, and that we did! It turned out to not only help out our wallets, but it gave us a very authentic Guatemalan experience too!

Brad's new poncho!

Brad and I woke up early to give ourselves plenty of time to find our way around the chicken busses. For those who are wondering what in the world a chicken bus is, it’s an OLD American school bus that the locals travel in throughout the

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country In Guatemala especially, they are decorated to the MAX! I mean all sorts of colors, advertisements, Jesus stickers! It’s GREAT!

Chicken Bus!

Well finding the correct bus was NOT a problem in the least. The locals are super helpful and very vocal about where they’re going. As the bus pulls up, the fare collector is yelling out “ENCUENTROS” “CHICHI”… and we yell back “ChiChi???” to double check and he then immediately rushes us in while the bus is still rolling! Only 5 Q or about 60 cents for the first half of the trip. We get off the chicken bus in Los Encuentros and immediately get ushered over to the bus to Chichi! WELL there is NO mistake that you’re on the right bus because it is PACKED!! I mean we were hanging out the door when we first got on and eventually climbed over bunches of families and made our way to the back. It was HOTT, crowded…we were definitely the only “Gringos” or white people…but it was fun!! And again…only 5 Quetzal and they dropped us off right at the market entrance and we were good to go :)

Standing on the Chicken Bus!

The markets are a massive maze of traditional Mayan goods, mixed with food vendors and practical goods. On either end are 2 churches that you can go inside and take a look at, although photography is PROHIBITED inside! All along the steps outside, women are selling flowers, and when you go inside, you see why….the ground is covered in petals! I don’t know if its an everyday occurrence or if we were lucky, but there was a

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religious ceremony outside with drums and dancers.

Flower ladies at the church!

So after the puchase of a typical breakfast in the market stalls, a poncho and a shot glass, we were on our way back to Pana! The ride back…even crazier! I thought 3 people to a seat was a lot, I actually saw a family of 7 on one seat!!!! SEVEN!! Then I could hear this lady yelling, thinking she’s preaching something, but when I

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look up, I see she’s selling eye drops or something. I’m thinking fat chance lady, but I lost count after she sold 10 to people on the bus! It’s like their version of eBay! Totally awesome!

Yummy CHEAP Brekkie!

The cost of chicken busses roundtrip was 20 Quetzals each which is about $2.60….which beats $12 and gives you quite an experience. Plus 9 bucks gets you FAR in Guatemala!

This doesn't even do it justice!

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